Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Five Foods That Can Cause Poisoning

Health-Net: Nausea, diarrhea, headache, abdominal cramps, until fainting are signs someone has food poisoning. Poisoning is often underrated, but if not anticipated and dealt with properly can lead to death.

Signs aware, the food very often you eat can also lead to poisoning. To avoid this, know the five foods that can lead to poisoning, which was launched from follows.

1. Eggs
Of course not all poisonous eggs, But you must remain vigilant because the eggs easily contaminated with Salmonella bacteria. Especially if you like eating soft-boiled eggs.

In order for you to avoid poisoning from eating eggs, always buy eggs from a clean place. Wash the egg first before storing in refrigerator. Always cook eggs until cooked before eating them.

2. Tuna
Tuna can be contaminated scombrotoxin which can trigger headaches and serious cramps. The new tuna caught should be immediately stored in ice, because if too hot body to release toxins. Toxins will be difficult to lose even though it was cooked. Eating tuna medium rare too risky to make your experience of poisoning.

3. Oyster
Oysters and mussels are marine animals that often lead to poisoning. This is related to the quality of water where they breed. If they polluted water habitats, it is most likely also contaminated oysters. Food poisoning caused by shellfish can usually cause symptoms such as vomiting, fever, and diarrhea.

4. Potato
Food poisoning due to eating potatoes indeed rare, But it is not impossible that certain varieties of potatoes are also contaminated with bacteria or waste. For that, we recommend the consumption of potatoes is cooked with really mature.

5. Cheese
Cheese is a very easy food contaminated with bacteria like Listeria Salmonellaor. The bacteria can trigger extreme miscarriage in pregnant women. No wonder so many doctors recommend that pregnant women not to eat cheese at the beginning of pregnancy. But avoid eating types of blue-veined cheese, camembert, brie and feta. Cheese in the package is the option most appropriate and safe for consumption.

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