Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tips to eat and drink before jogging

Health-Net: Running or jogging is one of the favorite sports because it is easy and inexpensive. This exercise is best done in the morning, but before doing so pay attention to foods and beverages you consume.

Eat and drink before a morning sports activities should be considered in order to run smoothly. One to eat or drink before jogging can make your stomach sick.

Here are some tips to eat and drink before jogging, as reported by Lifemojo on Friday June 16, 2011:

Preparation drink before Jogging
After sleeping 7 to 8 hours, most likely you'll wake up with dehydration. For that, at least drink 2 to 3 cups of water as soon as you get out of bed, especially if you want to do a jogging. Drink at least 20 to 30 minutes before you jogging.

If you're not well hydrated before jogging, it will increase the likelihood of dehydration, leading to poor performance and a myriad of other problems. Relying on thirst as an indicator of dehydration is not enough. If you are thirsty, then you're already dehydrated.

Eat right before jogging
Many people start jogging one morning on an empty stomach. But it is a big exercise mistake on an empty stomach is a bad idea. Of course, in the morning almost everyone does not have enough time to eat and digest food. In fact, heavy meal can cause discomfort and gastronomical stress when running.

However, you can at least try to eat something light like a banana or cereal energy, so it does not exercise on an empty stomach. The body needs fuel to go jogging, exercising on an empty stomach then it will most likely make you lethargic, nauseous and unable to perform the best.

However, if you plan to do a long morning run, then you need to refuel more before the morning run. You can eat complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole grain products, boiled potatoes, fish or egg whites.

Avoid foods that may upset your stomach or cause gastronomical stress, such as a high-fiber foods and fatty foods.

However, everyone is different and responds to food in different ways. Therefore, be sure to try different foods and find out what works best to give you energy.

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