Thursday, December 8, 2011

Epilepsy Seizure Symptoms

Epilepsy Seizure Symptoms , symptom checker, whenever the electrical functions of the brain becomes abnormal and it becomes erratic and sporadic, then you know that it will eventually lead to seizures. Seizures are nothing but transmission of electrical brain impulses to your brain, that can lead to behaviour changes.

Epilepsy Seizure Symptoms In order for you to get a good amount of brain activity, then this electrical impulses would be very beneficial to you. Whenever you are under seizure, you would experience a delay would you change, and you would also undergo terrible jerky movements, that are also known as spasms, in your body.

The symptoms of seizures are actually jerking movements along the body, that is actually the result of brain impulses which are going to your brain, but not in a frequent and harmonic type of way, that is normally required in the functioning of your body as well as your brain. In such circumstances, also you would get a lot of spasms, as well as you would experience a lot of emotional changes, and many of the sensory changes that you would not be aware of. Most of the seizures actually happen at night, and many people are afraid of this fact of seizures happening at night.

More For Epilepsy / Seizure Symptoms

Seizure symptoms

Black out
Electric Shock Feeling
Loss of consciousness
Spacing out
Out of body experience
Visual loss or blurring

Epilepsy / Seizure Pictures And Images

Epilepsy Seizure Epilepsy Seizure Picture Epilepsy Seizure Pictures Epilepsy Seizure Photos

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Endoscopy Cancer Treatment

Endoscopy Cancer Treatment

Endoscopy cancer treatment is used to treat cancers, a clear visual examination is important for both diagnosis and to know the exact placement of the presence of cancer. In a few cases, just seeing the images of cancer would not give any clear idea about cancers. For many years, to view the inside organs small telescopes are used by inserting them via the body openings. For example, bronchoscopes are used to view the lungs by inserting them via nose opening or through the mouth and this tube will be inserted through the windpipe in the lungs and so they can be visualized from outside. To view inside of kidneys, cytoscope was used by inserting them through urethra and so urinary bladder can be visualized. The other scopes are laryngoscope and nasopharynoscope. The above said scope instruments are stiff in nature even if they are thin in structure. But in the later years, to do visual exams, flexible kind scopes were made. These flexible scope instruments are made up of fiber-optic materials and these instruments can bended. These instrument can be inserted via the body openings and they can bend and so exams are done. The common name of these scopes is endoscopy. In cancer treatments, for the diagnosis purpose endoscopies are very much helpful.

Endoscopy Stomach Cancer

Endoscopy cancer treatment is used also in stomach cancer patients have some common symptoms, such as abdominal pain, chest pain, nausea sensation, vomiting, heartburn, food swallowing problems, and sometimes bleeding. Apart from these symptoms, physician will ask some questions to confirm the disease history. After that an upper endoscopy will be ordered. Upper endoscopy is done to detect for any kind of cancers in the digestive tract.

Endoscopic Ultrasound Procedure

In this procedure of visual exam of cancer in the inside body cavities, a tube of endoscopy is inserted inside the body part to be visualized through a body opening. This endoscope is attached to an ultrasound equipment and so images are obtained simultaneously. Any presence of can be visible clearly in the endoscopic ultrasound method. Endoscopy cancer treatment with ultrasound is a very useful method for the diagnosis of cancer with images.

Tags: Tags: endoscopy cancer, endoscopy stomach cancer, can endoscopy detect cancer, endoscopy pictures of stomach cancer

Thursday, December 1, 2011

All I want for Christmas... is a cure for cancer

Like most children, I loved Christmas growing up. It was a magical time and the anticipation of receiving all the gifts you asked for was fantastic. Christmas took on a bit of a somber tone for me when my grandfather passed very close to the holiday when I was 10. It still was magical, but just a smidge of sorrow was mixed in too. Of course as I grew older, stopped believing that Santa was real and generally shed that wide-eyed, glistening innocence of my childhood... Christmas changed a bit too.

I know that some people just love this time of year. As the year draws to a close and I start to focus on the new year that is coming... I find myself thinking about people that I miss, friends and family members that may have passed on during the year... and it gets sad for me.

I know that cancer isn't the only disease in the world that wrecks lives and changes the trajectory of life for those afflicted and affected. However, cancer is so far-reaching and widespread that it is difficult to take two steps without running into someone whose life has been affected and changed by it. Right now, I have a list of people that I pray for daily because they or someone they love is fighting this disease. The list seems to grow each month and it bothers me that we just don't have enough answers.

So... for all of you with the hotline number to Santa Claus... can you help me get a wish to him?

All I want for Christmas is a cure for cancer.

I really have been a good girl this year... Promise.