Friday, February 1, 2008

mic check! one, two, one, two~

youtube has taken the world by storm... and by storm, we mean the perfect nor'easter. you can't escape it. i even know of a church that used the site to sponsor a homemade video contest about one of their events. but aside from some laughs, gasps of "are you serious?" and maybe an occasional video to raise awareness for a cause, youtube's contribution to humanity is limited in scope and depth (unless i'm completely unaware, which is not an unlikely possibility).

enter "five for fighting" and their newly created video community. it's the first one to "give back" because they believe that "we are all connected to one another through our actions [and] each person has the ability to make a difference."

you simply create a video that answers the question, "what kind of world do you want?" and for each hit, the site will donate $1.00 to specific charities (there is a limit, but they also take general donations, and 90% of those donations go directly to the charities).

so, bust out that gel, lacquer up those lips, and put on your snazziest threads. you're up next. what kind of world do you want?

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