Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Does your non-profit office need a facelift?

I'm lucky. My day job is at a cool internet marketing company in a renovated old factory-type building. Our office has neon green walls and exposed ceilings, free sodas, a Segway, ping pong table, Golden Tee, pool, and a large TV with cable. Sweet, right? (Well, except the neon green. Sometimes it hurts my eyes.)

If you work for a non-profit whose digs aren't quite as swank, don't despair. YouthBuild Boston is accepting proposals from community organizations in the Boston area for construction, design, and landscaping services. They have over 750 volunteers who help their trainees to help you! Projects range from increasing usable space, to "greening" offices or improving handicap accessibility.

If you're interested in volunteering with YouthBuild, talk to your HR department. It looks like they have corporate sponsors for each project that provide both funding and volunteers. It could be a great PR opportunity for your company.. and something really popular with employees. Who doesn't like building stuff?

YouthBuild Boston is a nonprofit organization in Roxbury that empowers young people. Their academic and vocational training programs reopen closed doors to opportunity and extend the scope of possibilities. They serve young people, ages 14-24, addressing the various barriers they face.

For more information about this opportunity for your non-profit, visit their website at http://www.ybboston.org/service/ or contact Loreen Zwible at 617.445.8887 x19 or email her at lzwible at ybboston dot org.

Putting together cabinets for Boston Rescue Mission with Boston Private Bank volunteers.
I sure could have used experts like these guys when trying to assemble my furniture from IKEA!

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