Thursday, July 17, 2008

takin' off her pants...

So if you've been wondering why it's been relatively quiet on the Miss Sassy-Pants front, it's because she's been pretty busy getting ready to exchange those pants for a dress. Yup, Miss is becoming Mrs. in just a few weeks. Yikes.

I did, however, want to take a moment to throw a quick shout out to Bridal Garden in New York. Why am I talking about a bridal boutique in a blog for non-profits and volunteerism? Whoa, Nelly, slow down there. It's a-comin' (Can you tell I'm heading back to the great Republic of Texas for the nups?).

I don't remember where or when I first read about this organization, but I'm glad to have learned about it. Bridal Garden is New York City's ONLY non-profit bridal boutique.

How does that work? Well, various stores and designers have donated their sample dresses to Bridal Garden, which then sells them at ridiculously discounted rates (some up to 75%!!) to benefit New York city kids. They also have headpieces and veils for sale as well. Don't be fooled by what appears to be a dingy, small space. In their one-room venue, they carry hundreds of designer and couture dresses from over 60 designers, and the inventory changes daily.

Want to check them out? Bridal Garden is by appointment ONLY so make sure you call before you head over. And just in case you forgot, they're located in New York City, so if you don't have a car, check out the boltbus or other cheap options to get over there while saving gas and the environment (you know how OYFP is loves behavin' green).

Only one question remains: Did Miss Sassy-Pants find her gown here?

You betcha. For less than $500 and in about 45 minutes! I'd upload a picture of the actual gown, but it's presently in Texas gettin' altered (and I also have no idea how to do that anyway!). But I'll take one when I get down there and send it to Casey, who is beautiful and fabulous with all that website internet stuff.

So, come August, when I walk down that aisle, I know I'll feel like a *million* bucks. No, not because of the gown or the fake lashes, but because I'll know that my purchase won't make some rich designer even wealthier. It will help students at the Brooklyn Charter School in the Bedford Stuyvesant area of New York City receive the best education they can get. Now, that's sassy.

Hopefully this will be Hannah and her honey on their
wedding day - feelin' like a million bucks!

Related Posts: Bringing Sexy Back~; Spring Cleaning, part deux; Clean out your closet for a good cause
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Dery photography.

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