Thursday, January 20, 2011

Faith is necessary

I had a momentary crisis of faith this morning. I received a message that one of my pink-ribbon sisters found out that her breast cancer has returned for a third time. That news shook me deeply. After the fear subsided, the anger took over and once again I had to really stare into the mirror and adjust my faith.

Renewing my faith is a regular process. I lost my composure earlier today. Sometimes it is tough to remember that my blessing isn't another person's curse. They too have their blessings to be grateful for and thankful of.

I do not know what causes breast cancer. I do not know if something in our environment, our food supply, or something else is contributing to these high incidences of cancer. I do know that until a cure is found, I will continue to ring the alarm that we all need to do what we can to live our best lives to maintain our breast health.

  1. Eat well -- eat fewer processed foods and more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Enjoy organic meats and drink lots of water.
  2. Move your body -- exercise daily makes you feel better, helps to clear your mind, helps to settle your stress and helps with your weight.
  3. Lose weight -- if you're overweight, even a minimal loss of 10 pounds can help you fight breast cancer.
  4. Give yourself regular BSE's -- regularly examining your own breasts goes a long way to helping your breast health. Know what your breasts feel like, be on the alert for things that feel differently.
  5. Get your mammograms regularly -- if there is a history of breast cancer in your family, tell your doctor. Regular mammograms help to catch breast cancer in its earliest stages which makes it more treatable and more curable.
  6. Know that if you do have breast cancer you can still have a wonderful life -- I am a witness that life after breast cancer does exist. A diagnosis of breast cancer does not have to be a death sentence. If you're single, you can still date. You can still be fun. You can still follow your dreams.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

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