Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quilting for a Cause - Midwestern Tornadoes

OYFP promotes volunteerism by educating all y'all in a very casual way about our partner non-profits, and by holding one day volunteer events. But you still may not be convinced that your actions are going to make a difference, or perhaps you're still iffy on the whole "commitment" thing.

We understand that not everyone wants or is able to volunteer hours after hours a week for the good of others. But let this post serve as a reminder that you don't have to volunteer hours after hours to make a difference in someone else's life.

My cousin Liz learned from her friend Adam when that his 91 year old grandmother, who lives in the Midwest, lost everything she owned in the recent tornadoes and floods. Everything she owned. And she's 91!

Instead of just sending a card, making a donation, or casting about for a disaster relief organization with which to volunteer, Liz emailed everyone she knew who sewed, and asked them to put together some quilt squares. She would then piece together the entire thing and send it to Granny, so at the very least she would have a blanket she could call her own.

Liz took action.

In this case, Liz was close to someone who was impacted by the disaster. Sometimes that personal connection makes it a little more real, and makes a little more likely to act. Earlier this year I blogged about my co-worker Fred, who set a fundraising goal ($500), collected donations, and then cut his hair into a mullet. He sent the money off to the Lupus Foundation of New England, mentioning that he knew someone impacted by the disease.

So. Don't wait, act. Think about something you know how to do - maybe you cook a mean scrambled egg - and then use that skill to help someone else (Meals on Wheels, Culinary Corps, or organize your own fundraising breakfast). Let us know actions you take, and we'll help you promote your cause, and be successful.

"What do you think? Should I make some quilt squares to help a 91 year old Nana?"

Related Posts: Flooded Midwesterners still need your help; How you can help with a Mullet; Boston Cares Corporate Volunteer Day; Chinese Earthquake: How to Help; Volunteering at Lunch: It's reading time!

Photos courtesy of Casey (the overlapping squares are hers), Susan (she made four of the pink squares), and Liz (who made the six calico squares).

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