Interestingly: “If we’re interested in finding a mate, our attention gets quickly and automatically stuck on attractive members of the opposite sex,” said Jon Maner, an assistant professor of psychology at FSU, “If we’re jealous and worried about our partner cheating on us, attention gets quickly and automatically stuck on attractive people of our own sex because they are our competitors.”
So what does that mean for the presidential election?
Well, for the first time in a long time, we've had people of both genders seriously vying for the top (or 2nd to top) positions. Some of us are staring at the candidates because we're jealous, others of us are staring because we're attracted, but we're all staring because these candidates are under a microscope right now.

Interestingly, however, it has recently come to light that the Republican National Committee spent about $150,000 on clothing, hair styling, makeup and other "campaign accessories" in September for the McCain campaign after Palin joined the ticket. They are planning on donating all clothing after the campaign is over, but does that make it ok in the eyes of the law?
Perhaps the RNC was trying to capitalize on Palin's famous good looks (named America's Hottest Governor by Alaska Magazine) - afterall, if we're drawn to [at least look at] attractive people, it couldn't hurt, right?
What are your thoughts? Should candidates spend $400 on haircuts? Is it (or should it be) legal for campaign committees to spend funds on their candidates' clothing?
Related Posts: Presidential Election and Free Speech; Passive Electioneering; Presidential Election, Registering to Vote, and the Ballot Questions; Absentee Voting; A biased opinion?; How to be Happier; Who is Happier?
Photo of Sarah Palin courtesy of Zimbio.com. Photo of Hillary Clinton courtesy of TopNews.in.
Photo of Sarah Palin courtesy of Zimbio.com. Photo of Hillary Clinton courtesy of TopNews.in.
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