Thursday, February 5, 2009

An Interview with a Real Live Winner

Tuesday night's Networking Night with BostonCares and OYFP was quite a success, despite the everlasting gosh danged snow. We raised a significant sum of money (well, at least I think it was significant, I haven't yet seen the totals), thanks in large part to the Brownstone bar's and all our attendees' generosity.

Two of those attendees were rewarded handsomely for their generosity, winning the raffle price of the evening. I sat down with one to get her thoughts on the big win.

Hi Raffle Winner #2, what's your name?
Berkley, like the street except without the extra "e"

And what did you win in the raffle?
I won a free loaf of Panera bread each month for 2009!

Have you ever won a prize like that before?
Not exactly...I won a hefty gift certificate to a cool restaurant at an OYFP event a few years ago, but never a food of the month prize that keeps on giving!

What is the coolest thing you have ever won?
in 1995 I won 'front row' tickets to the River Rave concert at what was then known as 'Great Woods'...turned out they were 26th row, but still pretty awesome.

But not as cool as a loaf a bread a month and knowing that your money all went to Friday Night Suppers, right?
Of course not.

How are you planning on consuming your raffle prize?
Between a snack last night, toast for breakfast, and a hunk with soup for lunch today I am doing my best to eat the loaf I went home with! I am on a new mission to throw away ZERO food in 2009 (one day at a time) so any bread that I don't eat before it gets stale I will turn into breadcrumbs. I already have a mental list of all the Panera bread varieties I want to try.

That is a really great resolution. Not only will you save money by not throwing food away, but you'll also help our dear Mother Earth since resources won't be wasted just to go into a dump.
Yep. That's the idea.

What brought you to the BostonCares/OYFP Networking event tonight?
You, Casey :) also the promise of meeting new people and drinking a few beers to help a good cause.

Had you heard of Friday Night Supper previously?
I had not, but I want our group of friends to plan a night to volunteer (let's talk later).

Have you been to other OYFP or BostonCares events previously?
I have been to other OYFP events both social gatherings and volunteer events, but not BostonCares. Now I'm on their mailing list too, so I will probably attend more.

What are your thoughts on volunteering?
I really enjoy volunteering. In high school I was really active in that realm through my church, but I have found it difficult in adulthood to find opportunities that don't require full time commitment but allow you to feel like you are being helpful. I have recently inquired about volunteering at the Healthworks Foundation gym, hopefully they'll be able to use me once a week or so after work.

Anything else you would like to share with us?
I think most of us, especially if you are reading this blog, want to do more to 'help'. But sometimes it's hard to actually get involved. I think you should organize your friends, call up a homeless shelter and all go cook and serve dinner. It's an easy occasional commitment and you can really be helpful. There are obviously MANY other ways, but something like that is a good way to involved without a ton of commitment.

Thanks for your time, Berkley! (And I'll see you Sunday for our potluck.)

Related Posts: Happy Hour Benefit for Friday Night Supper; Find local food locally; CSAs Rock; Volunteering: Sara's Experience; Helping with a mullet; Helping a little old lady
Photo of Berkley courtesy of me, because I have known Berkley for almost 9 years. The photo of Friday Night Supper people came from the Friday Night Supper non-profit website.

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