Monday, April 5, 2010

The Race for the Cure is coming

The Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure is coming to Washington, DC on Saturday, June 5th, 2010. Last June was the first time I ever participated in the event. And it was also just shy of my first year dealing with breast cancer. It was an emotional day – both good and bad. I cried a lot that day. I was scared, I was sad, I was overwhelmed and I was still struggling trying to be “normal”. Whatever that is.


I look back at the few pictures I have from that day – my face is puffy, partially from crying but also because I had just ended my radiation treatment a couple of months before and my body was still dealing with the after effects. Right now, I can close my eyes and feel the energy from that day. It was electric. The sea of pink and white t-shirts was amazing. But the pink survivor shirts touched my heart in a major way. I sported mine but I remember feeling really self-conscious about wearing it. Not that it mattered to anyone else, but it felt raw to be so exposed. Funny, considering how much of my life and my business I put on this blog.


One thing I remember thinking is that there were so many of us survivors. All ages, all races… wearing our pink shirts with pride (or fear in my case). There were ladies out there who were in the midst of their treatment. They came out with their bald heads showing the world that they were fighting this disease with everything they had. They came out with scarves and hats. Some were walking with assistance from friends or family members, others were strong enough to run.


But all of us – pink shirt survivors – were there demanding in our own quiet way to be noticed, to be counted, to let the world know that we matter. Each and every one of us, matters. Each pink shirt represented a life, a family, a support network of people who were forever changed by a few words… “you have breast cancer”.


I pray that no one else has to hear those words or go through this ordeal. But I know that until we find a cure, that is just wishful thinking. In the meantime, I am raising money for the Race for the Cure. I am hoping that my little contribution to the cause will make a difference in the lives of other women and men who fight this disease.


Here is the link to my personal page for the Race for the Cure. If you would like to make a donation, please use this link to do so. If you would like to join my team for that day, please click the “join my team” link and sign up. I will need all the dedicated team members I can pull together for that day.


Thanks. :)  

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