Saturday, May 14, 2011

Medicine Will Work More Effectively if swallowed with Sugar

Health-Net: There are some people who require sugar to help swallow the bitter medicine. And the researchers found that sugar not only helps swallow the medicine, but also make the work medicine such as antibiotics become more effective.

Researchers found that antibiotics are taken together with a spoonful of sugar can dramatically increase the effectiveness against a stubborn infections like tuberculosis.

Laboratory tests showed that glucose and fructose (a type of sugar found in plants) can stimulate the bacteria and make it more potent against the medicine.

If the old term 'spoonful of sugar make the medicine go down easier (easier to swallow) then the new term' spoonful of sugar make the medicine work ', explained Professor James Collins, of Boston University, as reported by the Telegraph.

According to Professor Collins, chronic and recurrent infections often occur when the bacteria off and become metabolically active. Over the past few weeks or months, the bacteria will come back to life, become stronger and more aggressive than before, thus making the disease the patient relapsed.

Germs are persistent are different from bacteria that develop resistance (immunity) of antibiotics through genetic mutations, but the persistent bacteria can cause many problems.

And the scientists look for new ways to cope with the persistent bacteria rose from hibernation by using a simple weapon, namely sugar.

Scientists found that the sugar acts as a stimulant that is active against bacteria and make the normal response of bacteria vulnerable to antibiotics.

The study was then performed by testing Escherichia coli (E. coli), which is a common cause of urinary tract infections.

As a result, researchers were able to eliminate 99.9 percent of persister (persistent bacteria) in just two hours. Without sugar, the drugs used have no effect.

The study reported in the journal Nature also shows that the approach is as effective against persistent bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which can produce serious infections.

Prof. Collins is now planning to investigate whether the addition of sugar to enhance the effectiveness of drugs against tuberculosis.

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