Friday, May 13, 2011

Tips to Stay Healthy at Weekends

Health-Net: Weekend is the time to have fun. To stay healthy on the weekend is easy enough with the active in social networking site.

Studies show that a vacation after a few days struggling with the same job or activity, both to improve mood person. Rest done this much needed by the body to recharge itself and make the body feel better.

There are several things you can do on the weekend to keep the healthy body and can be refreshed when the following Monday, as quoted from ABCNews on Saturday May 5, 2011:

Use the social network
Although many people who want to spend time alone on weekends, but at least spend a weekend with friends can be helpful Cassie Mogilner, Ph.D., professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School tells us feel connected and loved is one thing that can bring happiness.

If a person feels happy it will reduce the levels of perceived stress in the days before, and this advantage can still feel for a few weeks or months.

Meditation and yoga
Studies show meditation and yoga can make a person feel calm and able to give pleasure. Give 'food' for the soul is a basic need that should be done by the community.

If every day someone has been busy with various activities that consume time, then do yoga or meditation for a while on weekends.

Doing outdoor sports
At the end of the week someone will have more time to exercise, to try to do it outdoors. This will make it feel more energetic and more inclined to continue to do so. The more time spent exercising, they will make one's thoughts more clearly.

The weekend passed with the right can provide health benefits for the body, such as improving quality of life, preventing fatigue, having better sleep patterns and reduce stress.

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