Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Junk food has the same effect as marijuana

Health-Net: Junk food has similarities with marijuana, are equally addictive. A study revealed that a person can be addicted to junk food because of high caloric and fatty foods can trigger the release of compounds similar to cannabis.

Therefore, a person who has ever felt the delicious junk food tends to want to try it again someday. The long run because it is not hooked more nutritious foods, people who are addicted to junk food will be nutritional deficiencies.

According to recent research at the University of California, the fat in junk food is the trigger endocannabinoid compounds in the body. The structure and workings of this compound is similar to cannabidiol, a compound in the cannabis plant that can trigger addiction.

The mechanism of endocannabinoid release when the fat begins to react with enzymes in the mouth. These reactions produce a signal to the brain, which signaled to the intestine to release the endocannabinoid compounds that the body always feel the need fat.

In this study, the release of these compounds is only observed when a person is eating fatty foods. As quoted from Dailymail on Wednesday July 7, 2011, foods high in sugar and protein alone does not trigger the endocannabinoid release so even if the trigger mechanism will be different addictions.

Prof. Daniele Piomelli, who led the study, surmised this mechanism is the legacy of the evolutionary process. In early humans, the endocannabinoid is released so that the body is not the lack of fat so that their cells are able to work optimally.

In modern humans did not move more, this mechanism is not needed. Lifestyle tends to be less movement and more high-calorie foods cause excess fat is dangerous because it can lead to obesity, diabetes and cancer.

According to Professor Piomelli, these findings could inspire the creation of a drug to treat obesity. You do this by inhibiting the release of an endocannabinoid, so people do not always feel the need fatty foods and eat only as needed.

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