Saturday, August 27, 2011

5 Signs of men who are depressed

Health Net: Both men and women who are depressed most depressed, often sad and lost the passion play. But sometimes the depression has a different sign on each person.

Ian A. Cook, Psychiatry and the University of California, said, You will see different results when we do a diagnostic Cosmos, depressive symptoms based on gender. Pages Health launched five signs men experience depression. Here are the signs.

1. Fatigue
When suffering from depression, she will experience psychological and emotional changes that are not clear. As the fatigue, the man who is depressed will experience a decrease in body movement activities, and ways of thinking.

2. Little or too much sleep
Have sleep disorders like insomnia, early morning waking, or sleeping too much, is normal for people with some symptoms of depression. Such as fatigue, sleep problems become a major symptom in cases of depression in men.

3. Back pain and abdominal
Experiencing back pain and abdominal pain is a sign of someone suffering from depression. But most men do not realize the signs refer to the depression.

4. Difficult to concentration
One more sign of depression in male: it is difficult to process information. As a result the level of concentration is also decreased. At that time they tend to slow down and constantly think negative. Finally there was just difficulty focusing on anything.

5. Grumpy and irritable
In some men, their reaction when depression is becoming more irritable, irritable, and aggressive.

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