Tuesday, August 2, 2011

WISH LIST IDEA: Popsicle maker to help with hot flashes

It came as a shock to me that chemotherapy might knock me into early menopause. Well, honestly, shock isn't a strong enough word for the feelings I had at the time. I was PISSED about it. For a lot of reasons, of course.

I was really saddened by the notion that I may not ever have children. At the time, I was still holding on to the hope that I would get married and have at least one child. But what I thought would be the more tolerable aspect of menopause would be hot flashes. Man... was I wrong! These things are crazy.

To be sitting still, or even worse, sleeping, and suddenly you're just blazing hot ... is more than annoying. It is frustrating and irritating and simply GRRRRRRR.... But, it is a part of my life now so I'm learning to adjust to the inconvenience of it.

One of the things that I've become quite fond of are late night ice cold snacks. I am normally not a huge fan of ice cream and such but lately... between the ridiculous heat wave we've experienced this summer and my own little "personal summer moments"... ice cream has become my friend. Ice cream sandwiches, regular old ice cream and popsicles are staples in my fridge now. But, although they are convenient... shoveling ice cream sandwiches or ice cream sundaes in my belly at 2 am is not the best way to keep my figure nice and trim. And I don't like frozen fruit (cuz, I can hear y'all right now saying... "just freeze some grapes")... I don't like frozen fruit. At all. So, that's not a workable solution for me.

Well, imagine my surprise when I opened my email a few days ago and saw an advertisement for a popsicle maker that can make frozen treats in as little as 7 minutes! It is called the Zoku Quick Pop Maker.  Delicious popsicles in seven minutes is awesome. I have been excited about the potential that this machine represents for about a week now. I haven't ordered it... but I hope to do so in a few weeks. Also noteworthy about the machine is that it is BPA and phthalate free which also makes me smile and dance a little jig.

Zoku Quick Pop MakerImagine... you can make your own healthy popsicles using real fruit and no additives, using agave nectar and not high fructose corn syrup, skipping the artificial colorings and such that are in lots of our food products and just make your own recipes. Heck, you could even put a smidgen of alcohol in there and have some fun adult treats. Right now... I'm envisioning a ginger-peach concoction (similar to my favorite tea) maybe with real fruit pureed in it. Yum. YUM!! 

Anyhoo... this is not a paid advertisement or endorsement. Just something I came across and thought I would share with you guys. If you have one, please leave a comment and let me know how you like it. And if you don't... well... go get one. So you can tell me how you like it.

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