Thursday, October 14, 2010

Support is critical for your healing

I spent most of the day today at a funeral for one of my cousins who passed away unexpectedly in her sleep a few days ago. Arlene's death was surprising and upsetting but it reminded me that support through tragic situations is something that we all need.

We all go through tough times and tragic situations. It may not always be something like breast cancer... but it could be losing your mother unexpectedly or losing your job. Something. And when that something hits, you have to dig deep into yourself and find the strength to carry on and keep it moving. But often, you may need a little bit of outside help and support to really get through the hard time.

Because I am an internet-girl... I will advise any breast cancer patient, care-giver or friend of a survivor... to use the internet to seek out other people who can relate to the intensity of the situation that you face. But if you're not an internet person, check with the social worker at your cancer center -- or the cancer center of a hospital near you if you're a care-giver looking for advice -- and they can direct you to resources that you can utilize to help to support you.

I am seriously going through some stuff on this side of the computer. To put it mildly, I'm hoping for some financial miracles and blessings. The bills are coming faster than the money and its looking really hard over here. But the beauty of my support system is that they always manage to do something smile-worthy when I least expect it. A beautiful care package was waiting for me when I got home from the funeral today. The perfect pick-me-up after a really long day and a very, very stressful week.

Build yourself a sturdy support system. Give back to them any and every chance that you get. Say thank you over and over again for their love and their affection and their prayers. And then pay it forward and be a support for someone else.

A few online support group resources to check out:

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