Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 -- Finally, grateful for the journey...

Two years ago, I spent Thanksgiving with my parents (just the three of us). Thanksgiving was two months into my four month long chemotherapy treatment. I was too tired, too weak and immune-system compromised to be around my extended family. It was a tough time, but my spirits were relatively high. (Thanksgiving 2008)

So much has changed in two years. I am no longer bald -- well, not chemo bald. I am sporting an uber-short cut but its purely by choice and I'm loving it. I am no longer the constantly weepy, taste-challenged woman who could not accept that breast cancer had showed up in my body. I am in remission, on tamoxifen and looking forward to shifting gears again in my life in order to pursue joy and happiness in a million ways.

Here's the thing though... I have finally reached the point (I believe) where I am truly grateful for this journey with breast cancer. The past two years have shown me my vulnerabilities in a way that I really never thought about. And taught me that I am so much stronger than I ever, EVER imagined. I know that I won't live forever, that my health (like everyone else's) is fragile. I know that life can and will change in a moment... and the only thing you can do is roll with the punches and keep fighting. I know that the only failure is giving up. And even if you lose, as long as you keep swinging you're always a winner.

I am grateful. Immensely, deeply and forever grateful. God gave me a burden that I simply never thought I would be able to handle -- if it happened to a loved one. The thought of it happening to me was merely unthinkable. And yet, two years later... I stand here proud of myself... because I made it. I survived. I am happy. I am blessed. I am fortunate. I am alive.

So, this Thanksgiving I thank God for showing me what He knew that I was made of... and for blessing me to get through it, be changed by it but not defeated.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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