Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The difficulty with being so honest and candid

I think that I finally understand why so many cancer survivors put on the happy face and write those perky books that make it seem like cancer is just a little blip that you go through. They do it for the people who know them and love them, but mostly they do it for themselves. It is a real challenge trying to balance being honest and candid about the emotional toll and the physical changes that breast cancer treatment puts you through without unnecessarily upsetting the people who love you.

I am finding that when I encounter people I know who may not have seen me in awhile but who follow the blog... they tend to be surprised that I am fine and looking pretty good. Which always surprises me that they are so surprised. But when I think about what they probably have read on the blog, I realize that I don't often post the happy stuff... just the sad or emotional issues.

Well, my life is just like anyone else's... it has its ups and downs. I'm generally quite happy and feeling good about things. I laugh and giggle as much as possible. And I try to make others laugh and giggle too. What is life without laughter? Far more serious than it needs to be.

We're all aware that time is precious. That no day is promised to us. And that every moment we've been given is a gift that we should cherish and be grateful for. Indeed, indeed... life is good. Really good when you sit back and think of all the ways it could be different.

So... take a moment to count your blessings and find ways to be a blessing to someone else. It will make you smile all the way down to your toes, I promise you.

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