Thursday, December 16, 2010

Greedy girl...

It is the Christmas season and good food is everywhere you turn. Everywhere! And for a greedy girl like myself, I think of food even when I'm not around it. The temptation to overindulge is always right in the next thought that I have. The holidays just means more opportunities to indulge and enjoy all sorts of decadent goodness.

Sigh. Sometimes I wish I could just eat and eat and eat... and not worry about calories, or cholesterol, or fat intake, or sugars... well, you get my drift right? The beauty (if you can call it that) of going through chemotherapy was the free pass that my oncologist gave me to eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted. I mean, come on, telling a greedy chick that she's got a free pass to consume as much as possible... is about as wonderful as it can be.

But, sadly, those days are gone and I have to get it together. So, you know that I'm miserable right now trying to rein in my outlandish eating habits, right? Ugh. Its the pits. I over-ate at Thanksgiving. Told myself that I would pull it together after the holiday was over. Yeah right. Nothing of the sort ever happened. Instead, I started making excuses to keep eating and eating and eating. Its tragic I tell ya. TRAGIC!!

My birthday is only a few months away and I refuse to go back to the beach chunky like I did the past two years. Re-Fuse. I can't blame my cancer treatment for my puffiness like I have for the past two years. I can blame a little bit of my chunkiness on my tamoxifen... but if I watched what I ate and put a little bit more exercise in my days... that would help.

(gas face)  But of course, I don't want to do that. I want to bake cookies and pies and cakes... and taste all sorts of decadent drinks and snacks. I wake up thinking about food I can eat, I watch the Food Network and get ideas for hors doevres for parties I'm not even throwing... its a sickness I swear. (laughs) But...then I remember how little I could eat just 2 years ago and I just try to remember that moderation is the key to everything.

Its so cold here right now... but it can't keep a good looking chick down. I hate running. I mean, I loathe it with every piece of me. However, running is the best exercise (for me) to drop pounds and tone up. So, cold weather or not... this chica is hitting the pavement, literally. The plan is to drop some lb's before the spring thaw. But... if you catch me out and about and I'm stuffing my face (highly likely)... just give me a look that says...

"you know you need to run a couple of miles after eating all that, right?"

Just don't try to take my food away from me... I might chew your arm off as you reach for my plate. :)

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