Friday, October 28, 2011

Drinking water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer

Health Net: Men who drank more than 2 liters of water per day can reduce the risk of bladder cancer nearly a quarter, according to researchers.

A survey of 48,000 people found that those who drank more than 2531 milliliters of fluid a day had 24 percent lower risk of bladder cancer. This could be due to the rinsing fluid bladder cancer-causing agents out before they can cause damage.

Brown University scientists analyzed the responses to questionnaires from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which surveyed men aged 40 and above during the period of 22 years.

Participants were asked about how much fluid they drink regularly at intervals of four years. And the result shows that the benefits of drinking fluids are higher for younger men, and their relationship becomes weaker with age. The study, presented at a U.S. cancer conference also showed that males reduce their intake of fluids especially water when they get older.

More than 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year and the disease is the fourth most common cancer among men. The disease is more common among men than women and most often occurs between the ages of 50 and 80 years.

Drinking water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer

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