Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Breast self-exams are worth your time!

The routines of life can become so boring... you barely notice things that surround you every day unless there is a reason to. Two years ago I found my lump (which turned out to be cancer) because I was trying to focus on something easy that would help me to take my mind off the fact that my father was lying in the intensive care unit at the hospital.

At the time, I thought I understood the importance of breast self-exams. I thought that I didn't really have anything to worry about but it was a precaution that I needed to take. I didn't think about the fact that a breast self exam could save my life. I never fathomed that my life could be in jeopardy because of breast cancer.

The shower card in my bathroom is old. I received it from an old college professor who was a survivor. She was so passionate about teaching us about politics AND about breast health. Even though the latter wasn't my major. I learned a lot about living from that professor. Even though she was a survivor, she didn't seem to live life in a small way... but she burst through the gates every day filled with energy and joy and a compassion for her students that often left me in awe of her. She was a really great teacher.

The fact that I still have the shower card that she gave me reminds me that God is always in the details and little moments of our lives. Whether we're paying attention or not. He's there. Making sure that we have what we need to move forward.

So amazing.

Take this post as a reminder that you need to check your breasts. Regularly. You can be a freak about it and check them every day, or every week. Or you can be laid back with it and check once a month or so. Its totally up to you. But the bottom line is that you need to check them. You need to know what your breasts feel like regularly. And you need to be comfortable with putting your hands on your body in a healing and loving way.

One day, when you're half-way paying attention to your life... this little bit of self-love just might save your life. Believe me... it could happen.


PS. I have a few extra shower cards at my house. If you need one, send me an email and I will send one to you. Just my way of paying it forward. This offer only lasts as long as the cards do... so if you need one, just say so.

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