Monday, August 30, 2010

Taking charge of your medical treatment

One of my favorite cancer bloggers, Chemo Babe, asked a question recently that stirred something inside of me. She said that an oncologist told her that 60% of their patients wanted the doctor to make their medical decisions for them. Sixty percent!!

Wow. But you know what? I think I understand how that could happen. And while it seems odd and maybe a little bit crazy that anyone would put their healthcare decisions in someone else's hands... it actually makes sense to me.

When I was starting my treatment, I had no idea how complicated cancer was. I had no idea that I would be constantly inundated with questions that required answers (usually immediately). I had no idea that I would be so stunned by the notion that I was sick that it would be difficult to think or to process information. But all of that was true.

How about you? Have you put the burden of making your healthcare choices into the hands of the medical team that you see? Asking questions, getting a second opinion, taking time to do some research before you agree to a procedure are all things that you have the right to do.

At the end of the day, its your body. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. If you feel pressured by your doctor to do something, find another doctor. You'll be glad you took charge of your own healthcare.

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