Thursday, September 4, 2008

1 chemo treatment down... few more to go

Well... today was interesting. I was a nervous wreck. Tried to hold it in, but it ended up leaking out my eyes when Theresa (my oncology nurse) started talking to me. She is an awesome little lady... I like her a lot.

Let's see... chemo is just as odd as it seems. Although my port incision hasn't completely healed it was usable... and since I was plugged up to the IV for hours... I'm glad that she used it.

I can't remember all the names of the drugs that were in those little bags... but one of 'em was red like cherry kool-aid. (whispering... it made my pee turn pink too...shhh)

There were a couple of anti-nausea drugs that went before the chemo drugs. Eh... no real big deal. I'm not sure what I expected but I thought it would be more exciting than it was.

The hardest part was that I got there when there were a lot of very sick, very elderly people there. When I was a kid, old people scared me. I thought they smelled funny and looked bad... and I couldn't understand them when they talked. Of course today they don't scare me... but some of those folks look so very sick that I got so sad... and a little scared too.

At any rate... I've been home now for about an hour or so.. and I'm starting to feel achy so I'm going to lay it down for a little while. Thanks for the good wishes (and DCSG, thanks for the laughs today... y'all are a real mess).

I'm not really looking forward to the next "infusion"... but... oh wait... forgot to tell you about the best part...

the really big needle that went into my belly at the end. Yeah, that was nice. Its going to put my ovaries to sleep so that I can preserve my fertility and finally give my mother some grand kids (so she can stop sweating me...dang.)

Other than that... it all was a breeze. Though I've been warned that its the day(s) after that I have to get prepared for. That's when the hellishness is supposed to arrive.


Good times.

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