Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day - Tribute to the Troops

No matter your political views, most of us can appreciate the sacrifice individuals make when they volunteer to serve in the US armed forces.

This past March, my boyfriend and I spent two weeks in Honduras to rest, relax, and explore. During our time on Roatan (an island off the coast of Honduras), we met a group of Navy people (sea men?) who had volunteered to help build schools on the island. The Navy also donated $9,000 towards the effort.

Most of the sailors on the ship moored just off the coast of the island chose to rest and relax like Terrence and I did, but it was really touching to see this group of sailors who chose to give up a few days to help build the school, play with the kids, and make a difference in a place where 75% of kids do not attend school.

So on this Memorial Day, I'm saying thanks for the things our armed forces do that are above and beyond protecting us - for reaching out and helping people who really, truly need it. Thank you.

The photo is of laundry drying in a village on Roatan island in Honduras.

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