Sunday, December 6, 2009

EXTRA! EXTRA! Sexy, sassy and single breast cancer survivor ready to date again

If I had a newspaper (and the nerve), I'd write a sassy article about myself and use this headline to grab attention. Luckily, I have neither. But, once again, I have started to make moves toward getting back into the dating groove again.

I made a forward step a couple of weeks ago and joined an on-line dating site. WRONG move! Well... not exactly. But it was a bad choice in dating sites for me. I only chatted with a couple of people but they were... well, freaks. (laughs) And not in a good way.

After sulking for a few days after experiencing some of the most ridiculous conversations I've ever had in my life, I realized something. I'm making progress. Its little tiny steps... but its progress none the less. For awhile I thought that I was going to have to resign myself to being single for the rest of my life. But, for some reason I feel differently today. (Might be because I deleted my profile and hopefully severed any chance of any of those freaks finding me ever again)

I spent a few days searching for stories of love, marriage and/or weddings that happened after a diagnosis of breast cancer, or after treatment for breast cancer. I found a few, but not very many. I was disheartened for a few days but then I realized that I would just have to write my own story about how I found love after I beat breast cancer. That sounds pretty good, right?

A few things I will keep in mind as I go forward... 
  •  Dating is supposed to be fun... let it be fun;
  • Your sexiness is between your ears, not confined to your chest;
  • You don't have to disclose your medical history until you're ready and comfortable -- no need to blurt it out as soon as you start talking to someone (I have to work on this);
  • If it doesn't fit, don't force it -- some guys just won't like you or be attracted to you and it will have nothing to do with breast cancer;
  • If it does fit, go with the flow -- some men will find you witty, and charming and beautiful and sexy... LET THEM;
  • You've survived something very traumatic and life-changing, be confident that God will continue to bless you in immeasurable ways -- including love;
and finally...
  • It only takes one -- each bad date, bad connection is one less person you have to wonder about. You're only looking to fall for one really amazing guy... let the losers fall off your back and keep strutting.

I don't really know where all this confidence is coming from but I like it. I will keep you updated on my dating journey... To be fair and honest, I have met some really wonderful, attractive and interesting men this year. Really interesting... (laughs) but I'm still single, so I'm still open to dating.

The truth is that I'm still here for a reason. I don't know what it is, but I'm pretty sure its not so that I can be a miserable, lonely, sourpuss... watching other people live the life I want.

...and the real fun begins!

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