I spent today participating in a cancer focus group activity. I have begun to do this a lot more frequently since my treatment. I think of participating in focus groups and clinical trials as my way of giving more of myself to the cancer community and doing a small thing that may help to eradicate this disease. Or, at the minimum, help in the understanding, treatment of and support for those who have to deal with it. Today's activity was actually not a group but a one - on - one session with a very nice interviewer.
While I was given a small stipend for my participation, it didn't cover my expenses getting to the appointment and back. But it was an incentive for me to go. The entire appointment didn't last longer than an hour but it was a very intense hour because I had to discuss a lot of very personal aspects of dealing with my cancer... and it dredged up a lot more feelings than I thought that it would.
I enjoyed the focus group today, as much as I've enjoyed all of the other ones that I've participated in. Its such a minimal intrusion on my life but I know that someone is paying attention to what my thoughts are and it is impacting how they approach other cancer survivors and cancer research. For me, that's worth all of the effort.
While I was in treatment, I was asked to participate in a clinical study. My participation was minimal. I only had to contribute a little more blood than I was already giving up during my normal chemo appointments and measure a few other things. *shrug* Again, not much of an intrusion in my life and if it helps someone, its totally worth it.
There are plenty of organizations out there who are conducting surveys, clinical studies and focus groups in an effort to wrangle this breast cancer beast to the ground. I'll post a few at the end of this post. I hope that you consider joining one (or a few) and I really hope that you pass the word along so that people you know can join in the effort too. Every little bit really does help.
PS. This list is just a few organizations that I know about and/or may have participated in activities with. If you learn of others, please feel free to share with me. :)
Organizations to check out for focus groups, clinical studies and surveys:
Army of women: http://www.armyofwomen.org/
Westat: http://http://www.westat.com/ (call 301-610-8824 to be included in the volunteer database)
Susan G. Komen Foundation: http://http://www.komen.org/
Metro Research Services: http://www.metroresearchservices.com/
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