Monday, September 5, 2011

Cancer Growth and Detection Techniques

The speed of development of cancer cells in the body is different from the speed of development of cancer cells during malignant condition. Generally, in two circumstances, the cells in our body would grow faster than they normally develop. The first situation of speed growth is, actually, all human body are developed from a single cell through the process of cell division from a single cell for approximately 10 months and after birth also this growth continues until we reach puberty or physical maturity. The second situation of normal speed development of cells occur at any time when one gets injured either by physical reasons or by any accidents, the injured cells try to recover them from the harm and repair and restore them to the normal state by a speed
development process of cells. In either of these two situations, body cells start to grow to a certain amount and stops the development process and this happened by the order of some genes in the body. In the second case, one may remain with a scar in the body on the wound site, that's all.

But, cancer is different from either of the above-mentioned states of body. When one is prone to cancer, the specific gene that is the cause to stop the growing process stops its action and so abnormal number of cells start to grow in the same place or in the same organ. This unusual cell division starts and continues in an uncontrolled manner.

Cancer, in acutalsense, starts from a single abnormal cell. This cancer cell starts to divide again and again in an uncontrolled way at different speeds. The amount of cancerous cells growth get doubled or tripled in just a few weeks' time. Some cancer cells are slowly developing kind and these type of cancer cells may double them in a few months period. If unnoticed, the cancer cells grow in millions, but these growth and changes may happen silently. If yet unnoticed, the cancer may grow to a level of what we can feel outside the body and then we may run to the physician for a test. A radiological examination after that can reveal the presence of cancer inside the body. In this stage, millions cells may develop into billions of cells.

Any big tumors can be easily identified by x-ray method. Any small tumors can be identified by the new examination techniques, such as a CT scan or computed tomography, PET scan or positron emission tomography, and by an MRI or magnetic resonance imaging studies. Very minute cancers can be found by the blood tests and PSA tests etc.

Tags: breast cancer growth, lung cancer growth, epidermal growth factor cancer, cancer growth factors, growth factors and cancer, growth factors cancer, cancer growth rate, growth hormone and cancer, prostrate cancer tests, blood tests to detect cancer, diagnostic tests for cancer

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